It is a job that we all dread and a subject that in general we will generally avoid at all cost. Cleaning out and organising our closets. It just seems like so much work. You have to make decisions about what to keep, what to throw out and what to store until next season.
For most of us, these are hard decisions to make and we only make them under the duress of not having enough room to keep everything that we would like to.
But, what if there was a way to make the entire process easier and less time consuming. The truth is, that with the exception of a few hardcore shopaholics and fashionistas, most of us have more than enough space in our wardrobes to hold all of our clothes, shoes and accessories, from season to season. What we don’t have, are properly organized wardrobes.
One Size Fits None
If you take an honest and critical look at your wardrobe you will probably find that there is more space being taken up by air than there is by your actual belongings. This is because the classic design of most wardrobes is for ease of construction and versatility rather than for you.
Using a closet with a standard layout is kind of like buying clothes that are marked one size fits all. When they should really be called one size fits none. Yes, they may serve the purpose and cover your bum, but really, they are never really comfortable or fit exactly right.
A Custom Wardrobe
With a custom wardrobe, you can better utilise the space you have available and that not only means being able to store more in less space it means you will be able to find the things you are looking for more easily.
A few simple changes like adding mid-bars for shorter clothes such as jackets and hanging slacks can double your bar space and adjustable shelving can give you the freedom to store anything from sweaters and bags to tall boots and watches, without wasting space with empty air or having to pile your belongings on the floor or on top of each other.
Honestly, there are so many options that the only way to really appreciate the possibilities is to work with a professional who specializes in designing and building custom wardrobes.
If you still have your jacket from Primary School or the dress you wore to your High School Formal, it is a pretty safe bet that you have kept it for a reason. It doesn’t matter what that reason is. Why should you have to go through having to justify not putting it in the charity pile, when you can simply customize and organize your wardrobe space and have extra room to work with?
Don’t put yourself through the stress of having to pick and choose what is worth keeping and what you need to let go of. Customize your wardrobe and see how much more room you can actually have. After all, fashions never really disappear, they just go in cycles and those flower power, bell bottom jeans, you’ve been hiding, are bound to be coming back in style any day now.