How much does a wardrobe cost? This is one of those questions that really doesn’t have an answer. In truth, within certain limits, a wardrobe can cost as much or as little as you want to spend.
Every person and every home are completely unique and there are so many options available that what your own idea of what a custom wardrobe should look like and what features it should have may be in a completely different spectrum from the person who lives next to you or across town.
A Wardrobes Function
To you, a wardrobe may be no more than a simple closet constructed out of utilitarian materials that serves its purpose and does little to nothing beyond the purpose of giving you a place to hang clothes. On the other end of the scale, your ideal space might be rich with exotic hardwoods. It might feature a sitting area, dressing area, display cases for your watches and jewellery, and a fully functional salon. Both wardrobes are completely within the realm of possibilities. It is just a matter of taste, budget, and mostly function. After all, one of the oldest and most sacred rules of design is form will always follow function.
A Wardrobes Size and Shape
Of course, the more features you add, the more space you are going to expect to need but part of the beauty of custom wardrobe construction is that by incorporating movable cabinetry an amazing amount of storage and design features can be included in a surprisingly small area and best of all it will all fit and look great.
You may believe that a square wardrobe will fit in a square corner but despite popular belief, there really aren’t any square corners or flat walls in any home. It is only from the attention to detail that true craftsmanship brings to the table that things can be made to appear smooth and properly finished. That is part of the beauty of custom work it looks like it belongs and is a natural part its surroundings.
At Lifestyle Wardrobes in Brisbane, we understand the meaning and value of individuality. We know that no two of our clients are exactly alike or have the same wants and needs. That is why we specialise in custom solutions to your storage needs. Visit our showroom on Aranda Street in Slacks Creek, sit down with our wardrobe design specialists and allow us to show you how easy it can be to have a custom wardrobe in your home.